A 40 day invitation for you to embrace God's love for you.
To come to this intentional place of reflection on the love of God, Christians have approached Lent in different ways. Perhaps you grew up giving up meat or chocolate or something else desirable for Lent. Perhaps you have given up social media or screen time as a way to center back on Christ.
Perhaps you are part of the tradition that takes something on for Lent, maybe it is something physical where you take on a vegetarian diet or adopt a new form of exercise to bring intentional integration of body and mind.
Maybe a Lenten practice of taking something on has to do with service like serving at New Hope Housing, coming to a VOICE action, or volunteering to bring a meal for someone in need.
Maybe giving things up has worked for you.Maybe taking things on has worked for you. Many have found both kinds of practice as a powerful way to center my focus and being on God during these 40 days leading up to Easter.
Maybe these practices haven’t worked for you. Maybe it has felt more like a to do list or don’t do list.
One pastor asked her African American congregation what they were giving up or taking on for Lent. One older woman said that women, African American women in particular, have to give things up all the time just to fit in society. And when they aren’t being asked to give something up, they have to take on more – more responsibility, more pressure, more care giving. This Lent she said, she was going to bask in the glory of God’s love for her. She was going to practice stillness.
Maybe you are yearning for a deeper wholeness in Christ.
Maybe you yearn to bask in words when in Jesus's baptism God’s Holy Spirit tears open the division between heaven and earth proclaiming,
You are my Child, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.
This season of Lent, we invite you to check in on your spirit.
How is your spirit feeling?
Are you feeling connected to God?
Are you feeling connected to others?
Are you feeling connected within your own body?
You are my Child, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.
How do these words feel within your body?
This Lent, you are invited to Reimagine Lent for yourself as a purposeful journey from the chaos and calm of baptism to the depths of Holy Week to the joy of Easter.
How might you connect deeper with God’s goodness during this Holy Time?
We would love for you to join us in church Sundays at 10 am! For an appointment for spiritual direction, please contact Pastor Alice at aliceclarendonpastor@gmail.com.