Worship ServiceS

What time is worship? 10:00 AM; Worship services are about an hour.  

Where is worship?  Services are in person and online.

(Links for ALL worship services and memorial services)

Click here to join us for Worship Services on Zoom

Meeting ID: 838 3236 7295

Passcode: 719364

Click here to join on You Tube Live and for recorded services on YouTube.  

What are worship services like?  Our services begin with some music, a land and labor acknowledgment, and call and response prayers. Our services usually include two scripture readings and about a 15 minute sermon.  The sermon reflects on the scripture passages and the connection to the world and our lives today. The service concludes with a time for the community to share prayers out-loud if there is desire followed by the Lord's Prayer.  

Singer/ songwriter Taisha Estrada leads the music offering time for contemplation and community sing.  

After the service, we often have a mission-related offering and time for shared coffee and treats. We offer break out rooms to those meeting on-line. 

Our services seek to celebrate that we are all created good and beloved in the image of God. Many people have strong faith, and many bring many doubts.  We welcome all perspectives, backgrounds, and questions on the journey of faith.  

We gather for communion (the Lord's Supper) served on the third Sunday of every month as part of the worship service.  All are invited (but certainly not required) to participate in communion.

You are welcome to wear whatever you are comfortable in.  For outside services, we recommend layers and to bring water and something to sit upon.  The physical address of the church is 1305 North Jackson Street. The parking lot entrance is 1308 North Irving Street. 

We welcome every voice both in worship and in planning for it.  Contact Pastor Alice with questions about worship at CPC or for information about weddings and memorial services.

What about COVID-19 procedures? 

Arlington County is the green/ low zone for COVID Community spread.  Masks are OPTIONAL during all times in the church.  All masking decisions are respected. 

music at CPC

Make a joyful noise to God! So the Bible tells us, and at Clarendon Presbyterian Church, we do! Music is very important to us at Clarendon Presbyterian Church.  Ms. Taisha Estrada is our Director of Music.  She is a gifted educator, performer, and church music leader.  You will enjoy working with her and can see her play with one of her fantastic bands throughout the region. 

Please email taishaclarnendonpresbyterian@gmail.com for more info. 

We have welcomed members from the CPC community to provide the gift of song.  We have also hosted professional musicians including Lea Morris, Gillian Grassie, the GenOUT Chorus, Matt Black and Justin Ritchie.

In recent past we have hosted special nights for music featuring John Bell, from the Iona Community of Scotland; the DC Chamber Brass; and singer-songwriters Noah Budin, Scott Pryor and Gillian Grassie.