Ways to Connect, Grow, and Serve together

Our congregation supports one another through a variety of gatherings where we can grow in faith, deepen connections with each other, and the serve alongside the community.   Please email Pastor Alice Tewell at aliceclarendonpastor@gmail.com to connect and for more information.


  • LGBTQIA+ Pride! We LOVE PRIDE, and in June have many special events.  We also celebrate Pride all year round! We are looking to host LGBTQ groups and other community support and advoacy groups. Please contact us if you have an event you would like space or support on. 
  • Young Adult Game Night with dinner and conversation.  The 3rd Friday of the month from 6:30 - 9 pm.  Checkout our eblast or Facebook for the up to date offerings. 
  • Potlucks. We host potlucks and special meal events to get to know each other better.  
  • Hiking. We hike together in good weather after church. The hikes are usually about 2 miles. 

Mission and Community Organizing

  • The V.O.I.C.E. Cohort (community organizing) comes together other faith insiutitons and our neighbors to build power for affordable housing and behavorial health services.
  • Our Plot Against Hunger Garden team grows over 500 lbs a food a year for the community while enjoying the outside together. The garden team works together April - October of each year.  We love it when kids & families sign up to water! 
  • Dinners and Fellowship at New Hope Housing, usually the 3rd Sunday of the month in the later afternoon.

Bible Study & Spiritual Formation

  • In August 2023, we studied the Book of Revelation together as related to Climate Change.  In October, we studied the Psalms and how they inform our understanding of Life, Death and Faith. In January 2024, we studied spiritual activism from Howard Thurman. For Lent 2024, we are Reimagining Lent together. Let Pastor Alice know if you would like to join or have an idea.
  • The Racial Justice Study and Action Group supports racial equality and encourages personal growth and understanding. Recent books read include “How to Be an Antiracist” by Ibram Kendi, “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo, and “The Vanishing Half” by Brit Bennett. Find a list of our titles here.
  • If you have a young child and would like to connect, please email Pastor Alice so we can find an offering that works well for your family and so we can support your faith formation at home.  
Leadership of the church
  • The Mission Cohort is a way to get connected with others who deeply care about the community.  The group meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm on Zoom. 
  • The Outreach and Growth Team focuses on growth in the church and supporting LGBTQ groups and people.  This group meets quarterly. 
  • The Vision Team leads strategic planning for the church commissioned by the Session (the board). 
  • Our Session (the church board) and Board of Deacons take care of the overall running and care of the church.  

Let us know how you would like to get connected! Email Pastor Alice.