Renting space and Tenants

Are you looking for space for your group? 

We host groups in most spaces of the church outside of Sunday morning hours.  If you would like to use or rent space in the church, please contact Pastor Alice for more information. We have for-profit, non-profit and small business rates. 

The following are spaces currently available as of January 2024:

Sanctuary: Mondays- Saturdays; Main floor, Great for musical groups, theatre groups or for meeting space.  All pews are moveable. 

Fellowship Hall + Kitchen: Lower level; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after 6 pm; Large space for community groups, fitness classes, or meetings. 

Smaller breakout rooms: Daily:  Counseling Room, Parlor; Great for small group meetings or counseling group. 

Current space users:

We are proud to offer space at Clarendon Presbyterian Church for various organizations and groups including the Clarendon Childcare Center who has been housed at CPC for over 60 years.

We also host IMPACTO LGBT, VOICE Arlington meetings (particularly focused on mental health),  Akidio Martial Arts, an aerboics group, Belle Voce (women's singing group), the Girl Scouts, a Ukrainian Musical group and various support and advocacy groups.